Coming-of-age. A small-town young man who realizes why he's such a misfit - he's gay! Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. He's an outcast and the butt of classmates' fag jokes at high school. He's different and understands why when he reaches the conclusion that he's a "stereotypical gay." He soon announces this discovery to his homophobic, Nixon-loving dad. Before dad can throw him out of the house, Dorian's off to NYU where our hero encounters a new world of coffee houses, sophisticates and handsome men.
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Monday, August 29, 2011
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Coming-of-age. A small-town young man who realizes why he's such a misfit - he's gay! Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. He's an outcast and the butt of classmates' fag jokes at high school. He's different and understands why when he reaches the conclusion that he's a "stereotypical gay." He soon announces this discovery to his homophobic, Nixon-loving dad. Before dad can throw him out of the house, Dorian's off to NYU where our hero encounters a new world of coffee houses, sophisticates and handsome men.
Coming-of-age. A small-town young man who realizes why he's such a misfit - he's gay! Adolescence is proving a pain for the always-thinking Dorian. He's an outcast and the butt of classmates' fag jokes at high school. He's different and understands why when he reaches the conclusion that he's a "stereotypical gay." He soon announces this discovery to his homophobic, Nixon-loving dad. Before dad can throw him out of the house, Dorian's off to NYU where our hero encounters a new world of coffee houses, sophisticates and handsome men.
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